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MAD World Photography
Bringing the world of nature into view!
What's New!
July-September 2024
I finally got around to putting together a composite of April's epic eclipse!
This was created in camera from 2 shots using the multiple exposure setting.
It's baby bird season as this adult Tree Swallow takes aim at it's young.
This Tiger Swallowtail butterfly feasts on the nectar of a milkweed plant.
A Great Blue Heron watches over Arrowhead Mountain Lake for its next meal.
Osprey have a unique toe design allowing them to grip slippery fish.
They always position their catch head first to be the most aerodynamic!
An Eastern Kingbird is making a meal of a Halloween Pennant!
A Common Loon is sleeping with one eye open!
An Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle basks atop a log in the Lamoille River at the mouth of Lake Champlain.
Designated as a "Species of Greatest Conservation Need" in Vermont, this is one of only 2 areas where they live on Lake Champlain.
A female Ruby Throated hummingbird takes a break from her incessant feeding schedule.
Most of the males have already left on their fall migration.
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